Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 2. Snow.

So, today I ventured out into this white fluffy stuff some prefer to call snow. I find it amusing that no one can drive about 10mph but on top of that it is downright exhausting when a commute to school that normally takes 30 minutes takes nearly 2 hours. 2 hours.

And now I've figured out why they won't cancel classes. It's because we're already here. I've trekked across campus twice now and my feet are sufficiently soaked inside my boots. This makes for unhappiness.

I'm up to my ears with this professor I have for calculus and it's only day two of his class. I don't think I'm sorry that I have no appreciation for someone who stands at the front of the class and tells me how worthless I am. It's not just one comment, those I've come to ignore, it's taking up a whole hour and fifteen minute lecture on how much we must not understand math when it's 'so easy.' Which, math is easy, kind of. It's just not quite as easy as other things.

My Networks Analysis teacher put it amazingly yesterday morning, "Engineering students are different. You're not Poly Sci Majors or whatever else on there side.", referring to the separation of Speed School and the University itself. But that makes me wonder, what makes us so 'different'?

And I think I know part of the answer. It came from looking at my Psychology classmates compared to my Networks (or Calculus or anything Speed based) classmates. We, being Speed students, don't really care to gossip. That's all I really heard before my Psych class started on Wednesday night. Who partied where. Who slept with who. Who got so drunk they passed out doing something stupid. And who hates what teacher but that happens with us too. It was so petty to listen to. I kept thinking of high school, and how that's what we did there and I now realize just how stupid it really was. It really should make more sense to people when they say "College is nothing like I thought it'd be. It's only a repeat of High School!" Wonder why... Take a look at what you did in High School and compare. :)

I'm ready for the snow to be gone already. That, or stay and snow more, so I can have a few more days off. :)